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Friday, November 30, 2018

How to make money with google adsense without a website

         How to make money with google adsense without a website.

In the previous article, we saw how to make money with Facebook. Today we are going to talk about how to make money with Google Adsense without a website.

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 Google AdSense is one of the most famous and lucrative advertising programs on the internet and it is an excellent way to start earning our first income online. As we know, Google is the most powerful search engine on the internet today, and its search service allows us to earn money by placing your text ads and banners on our blogs and websites.

How to make money with Google Adsense.


As in this blog I like to talk about how to make money with Google (YouTube, Blogger, Micronichos, etc) today we are going to focus on their advertising program: Google Adsense. What makes the Google Adsense advertising program interesting is that the ads shown on our sites are related to their content. In this way readers only see ads that are in correlation with what they are reading.

Why make money with Google Adsense? Very simple:

1. It is easy to join your program. So simple, you just need to register and get the code to  
     display your   ads.

2. Easy to install on your website. In fact, you do not have to install anything. You just have to 
     copy and paste the code of the ads and you're done.

3. Does not require any additional work. You do not need to go looking for advertisers. Google 
    does all the hard work for you and you just need to have space for the ads on your website or 

4. Relevant ads. You do not need to manually choose the ads that best suit your content. Google 
     does that automatically.

5. It is made for beginners. The Google Adsense program is made for beginners. It has a simple 
    interface and you do not need to have any knowledge to start making money with Google 

6. All the information you need. Google always gives you all the information related to your 
      site and your earnings. From impressions, clicks, and profits.

7. You only need an account. With an account you can get ads very easily for all your web 
     pages and blogs.

Requirements to earn money with Google Adsense.


Like everything, there are certain very important aspects that you have to take into account to get money with Google. These are:

 Your website must have a large amount of traffic, since the real income with Adsense is only achieved with large volumes of traffic. This is because Adsense pays for each click you generate, so it really is very low (depending on the subject and the CPC), therefore you will have many visits to generate many clicks.

Related: NeoBux: The highest paying PTC site to make money online.

The content must be 100% original and not be copied from other sites. If copied content or poor quality is detected, you run the risk of being banned and losing all your income. Your articles must be 100% original and unique, so avoid plagiarism.

 Always select potentially lucrative topics. This is because Adsense advertising is "contextual", that is, ads will appear that are in line with the contents of which you speak.

Example: If your site talks about mortgages, then mortgages and loans will appear, if you talk about shoes you will have shoe advertising, and so on. Within the different topics that you can talk about, some topics are more lucrative than others. For example, a blog about "lose weight" will have a lot of profits from a blog about "mineral collection". This is because there are a lot of advertisers in the niche of losing weight than in the niche of minerals.

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1.You must respect their policies. To start earning money with Google, and start displaying ads on   
    your website, you must comply with the terms and policies of Adsense. Not all the themes are 
   accepted. So I recommend you see which ones and which ones do not. You can see them below: 
   Google Adsense Policies.

2. Do not put too many banners. Adsense can also ban you if you abuse banners. In fact do not turn 
    your website into an ad machine or run the risk of being banned forever.

Also, you must take into account that the CPC (Pay-Per-Click) or pay per click may vary depending on the theme and the available advertisers. In fact, there are some themes that, in comparison with others, provide much higher income. But, in general, Adsense ads that earn more money generate are, surely, those that belong to these niches: health, insurance, mortgages, and welfare.

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How to make money with Facebook | Top 12 free methods to earn easily.

Why? For the very simple reason that Google has many advertisers who are very willing to pay a lot of money for advertising within these niche. For example, if you search for "mortgage" on Google, you will notice that there are many successful sponsored ads at the top. On the other hand, if you search for "poetry", you will see that there are very few advertisers (or even null).


This means that the cost to the advertiser increases considerably if you want it to be shown on the first page and in the first places. If you have a site that talks about a popular topic, it is very likely that your ads will have a decent performance.

In addition to this, it is essential that you generate traffic relevant to your topic (and advertisements). A good (or excellent, I would say) conversion rate would be one click for every 100 visitors to your site, that is, a 1% conversion. Do not believe someone who says he has more than that because it is very likely that he is not telling the truth!

How much money can be earned with Google Adsense?

To understand it better let's give an example: with a site that receives 100,000 visits per month, you can get around 1000 clicks and, if the theme of your site is in a popular niche, then you would earn at least € 500 per month.

The problem is that having a large number of very competitive niche visits is not easy! In this case, a good option would be to go for micronichos not very competitive, where we can find keywords with good CPC and low competition.

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Another possibility of Google Adsense is that you can customize the ads, so that they conform as possible to the graphics and style of your site. You can change the background any time, the color of the text, etc.

This serves to add a touch of professionalism to the ads, and make it clear to the reader that this ad could enrich your browsing experience and that you could benefit from it if you click.

Another possibility that must always be taken into account is that you can enter a list of alternative ads, in case there are no advertisers for that topic you have chosen. In this way, you can create personalized ads (either from your own products or from other companies) and place them on that particular page.

3 steps to start making money with Google Adsense.


    Step 1. The first step to start earning money with Google Adsense is to create an account.

    You can register here.

    Step 2. Once you have created your account, you must create the ads. This is where you 
                 choose the ads you want to create it, the font sizes, the colors,the pictures, the videos   

    Step 3. The third and last step is to place the ads on your website.

How to avoid common mistakes.

Every day I receive emails from blog readers who tell me that they can not generate profits with their blogs or web pages. And whenever I ask them what they have monetized with, most respond Google Adsense. Personally I have been working with Adsense for several years, I have created an infinite number of microniches and blogs and although I did not have luck at the beginning, I have always managed to benefit them.

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How to change your life just in 7 days (without money).

However, like every rookie, I have made many mistakes that I could have avoided from the beginning. These same mistakes are the ones that most people who want to start working with Google Adsense comment on. Many of the blogs and web pages that I enter always see the same mistakes. These mistakes can literally cost you money. For that reason, I have decided to create this article in which I compile some of the most frequent mistakes that newcomers usually make. Avoiding these errors will help you increase your profits and protect your account.

These errors are:

Do not read the Google Adsense rules.


The first mistake is, without a doubt, the most frequent and the one that brings the most problems to many. If you are going to work with Google Adsense you should know that you have to comply with their gifts. Not doing this, implies the permanent banning of your account.

The first step to start working with Google Adsense is to know its rules. Your website or blog must obey a set of rules before you start displaying Google Adsense ads. Take at least 5 minutes to read these rules carefully to avoid future problems.

You can see their policies here.

Not having a defined theme in your blog

This is one of the most frequent mistakes that newcomers usually make. This error consists of creating a general blog, which talks about all the topics, instead of creating a blog focused on a specific niche. Create a blog or generalist portal, it brings you two problems. In the first place, you will never be seen as an expert in a particular industry, and in the second place it will be more difficult for you to position your blog in Google, and therefore get traffic.

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Therefore, if you are going to monetize your blog with Google Adsense, make sure it has a defined theme. For this the best are micronichos or multinichos, since they focus on a specific problem and in this way Adsense will show ads relevant to the content of your blog.

In my new guide, I talk about exactly how to find a micronicho that converts well with Google Adsense and how to position it in Google

Not knowing how to place ads (and do not do tests).

Ad placement is one of the most important keys to making money with Google Adsense. A few well placed ads can result in a CTR with little traffic. If you do not place your ads in the most visible parts of your website, they will not receive clicks.

Depending on the type of website you are driving (a blog, a forum, a microniche, etc), you should place the ads in certain areas. As you can see in this image, the darkest areas are the best converters. The key is not to fix or copy other websites, but to test on your own website. See which areas have more CTR and which have less.

Now you play with the format and colors of the ads until you find what works and what does not.

Do not use ads in link format.

Are you using ads with links? People do not use these types of ads because they do not like the way they look, but these types of links are the ad unit with the most CTR that Google Adsense offers. If you place this type of links just below the navigation bar of your website, it will appear to be part of it.

Here is an example:

Do not use the Google Adsense tracking panel


Google Adsense puts at your disposal all types of data, panels, reports and statistics that help us know the performance of the ads. A common mistake that newcomers make is to place the ads on their website, and not make any kind of tracking of these ads. Many of them only enter the panel to see how much money they have earned today and very few actually test and improve their ads.

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Adsense allows you to create tracking criteria, and tracking criteria for particular URLs. These options allow you to follow the performance of each special page or ad that you have set up. So, when you access the revenue panel, you can also see how much money each specific ad has generated, and each format

And these are some of the most common mistakes that are usually made when it comes to monetizing a website with Adsense.

More effective ways to earn money using adsense.

In a past article I explained step by step how to earn money with Adsense. Today he wants to talk about some tricks that I have learned over the years working with this advertising program and that will help you earn more money.

Here they go:

7 Tips to earn more money with Adsense.

1. Choose a good niche..

Not in all the niches it is possible to make money with Google Adsense. The best niches are those that have a large number of searches (the more the better), since in these niches is where there is competition among advertisers. The more competition between advertisers, the more money you will get.

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Also, because Google Adsense pays you for the number of clicks the ads receive, the more views your blog has, the more clicks and more money you'll take.

2. Produce relevant content.

Once you have chosen a good niche market, you need to produce relevant content. This is essential to attract visitors to your website and generate thousands of clicks.

The relevance of the content is defined by the public and can be combined in different formats, such as text, images, audio, videos and presentations. You can create the content yourself or entrust it to an editor.

3. Get traffic.

In Google Adsense, what is in charge is traffic. Once the relevant content is produced, it is time to start getting traffic. This way you will start receiving clicks and earnings from your blog.

The main ways to attract visitors are organic searches (from Google, Bing and Yahoo!), social networks (especially Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and other blogs.

4. Select the types of ads.

Google Adsense has different types of ads, such as banners, links and searches. Banners can be graphics, or blocks of text. Now you can "Search" ads that allow you to integrate a Google search engine into your blog and you're paid for the clicks received on ads for this search instantly.

On the other hand, there are different dimensions. To obtain the best results, it is important to use recommended formats, since they are the most used by advertisers.

5. Place your ads in the right places.


After you have defined the types of ads, it's time to place them on your site. They can be placed in the top, bottom or sidebar of the blog, as well as in the top or bottom of the posts.

In general, the ads in the posts have higher percentages of clicks than in other places, but it is better that you do your tests for yourself and see which areas have higher CTR.

6. Reduce fees when charging.

Another important decision regarding Google Adsense is the way you will receive your money. In this sense, it is necessary to pay attention to taxes, as well as banks. This varies according to the countries.

As for banks, the options vary according to tariffs and taxes. There are financial institutions that are familiar with this mode of reception.

7. Optimize campaigns.

Once with the campaigns in progress, it is important to follow the Google Adsense reports.

Doing this analysis, can help you when testing the types and sizes of ads, as well as your position in the blog. Each audience has a different behavior on the Internet and with the optimization of your campaigns you can identify what works best for your blog.

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NeoBux: The highest paying PTC site to make money online.

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How to be happy in life: Give up these 25 habits (without money).

How to deflate abdomen in 24 hours | Quick Deflation Tips & Tricks.


How to attract a girl in school very fast (without money) 3 magic ways.

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Top best 10 ways to motivate your employees (without money).

Monday, November 26, 2018

How to make money with Facebook | Top 12 free methods to earn easily

                   How to make money with Facebook. Top 12 free methods to earn easily.

Only those with enough will and motivation are those who achieve greatness and enjoy their life as they really deserve it. If you are one of them, you will be glad to have found my website where I will reveal the different techniques that I have used throughout the 15 years that I have living on the Internet so that you can learn how to earn money on Facebook.


Many are those who talk on the Internet about how to make money in social networks. But how many of them actually earn money through these means? How many are willing to teach you how they did it? How many have managed to live on that income? Very few. I am willing to teach you the techniques that I have managed to perfect over the years. If you have ever wondered how to monetize Facebook in 2018? This guide is for you.

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How to make money with Facebook ?

There are many people who can make money on Facebook easily and quickly, the problem is that of the many techniques that exist are not legal and much less comply with Facebook policies, it is not worth setting up a business that may stop working in any moment.

To monetize Facebook, the first thing you need to have is an FB page which will allow you to generate income in different ways. Facebook pages earn money and you are missing this great opportunity to make extra income that exceeds the salary of a general manager in your country and even more for not spending some time.

How much does Facebook pay? It depends, there are a lot of factors that must be taken into account, I'll explain later, first let's focus on explaining the different ways to monetize a Facebook page.

Top 12 Ways to Earn Money Online on Facebook.


These are the 11 legal ways to earn money on Facebook today and that comply with their policies, it would not do anything to teach you something that endangers your personal account and you can not do business with it, but beware, it is important be updated since Facebook is always in constant evolution and it is necessary to be coupled to avoid problems.

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(1) Earn Money on Facebook Audience Network.


Also known as Instant Articles for Facebook, you could say it's the Google Adsense version to make money. You just have to have the following requirements to be able to earn money online with this option:
  • Create a Facebook Page.
  • Register as a developer on Facebook.
  • Have a web page and associate it with your FB Page.
  • Write content and place advertising.
This option is my favorite, since it is the one that allows you to earn money in a faster way if you know the technique in detail. I could say that this is the current way that generates more income, reaching a return of 20% to 300%. By this I mean that if you invest $ 1 in advertising you can earn $ 2 to $ 3.

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The interesting thing about this technique is that it allows you to go at your own pace, if you only have $ 100 to invest you can generate $ 200 to $ 300. Not bad at all? In the worst case you may win 20% to 50% of your total investment when you are still in the process of learning, but it is still a pretty interesting gain. Do you know of any business that earns that amount? Very few and if any, it has cost them a lot, without counting the risk of implementing the business and that it does not work.

You will not become a millionaire with this technique either, but about $ 500 - $ 1000 in addition to your normal income is not at all negligible. You only need to spend time at the beginning to learn the method and then you will see how your income increases day by day.

Currently Facebook has put many obstacles to the registration process in Facebook Audience, before it was immediate, now it asks you that your website has at least 10,000 visits and that your Facebook page is about 3 months old (it does not say it, but doing tests is what I can deduce).

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If you know how to invest in Facebook Ads, it is not that complicated to reach 10,000 visits in 3 months (you can do it in much less time) but it is advisable not to venture with your available resources since Facebook is still making changes in its algorithm and Facebook Audience still It is not stable.

What I do recommend is to create a Facebook page and through Facebook Ads upload the page with real followers and then monetize it with either Facebook Audience or Google Adsense.

(2) Sell by Facebook groups:

Search for groups and enter them with your personal account, public images of your product and / or service and start selling things on Facebook without investing a single cent. Watch out! you should not abuse I recommend you sign up for the week to about 5 groups, enter a group daily and publish your products 4 to 8 times a week, if you publish more of the Facebook account you may consider that you are spamming and could penalize your account .

(3) Sell by Facebook Market Place:

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Now you can sell your products through the Facebook Market Place app.

(4) Offer your products for your Facebook Page:


When your Facebook page for business has enough fans you can offer all your products and services without having to worry about anything, the only drawback is to reach a good number of fans, because if you want your publications to be seen by a 1000 people you should have At least 10,000 likes on your page, on average the scope of each image you post on this social network is 10%, but of course, it depends on many factors, it can be much more or much less. It may sound difficult to have 10,000 people who have liked your page, but it is not so complicated if you have the knowledge and some capital to invest.

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You can sell whatever you want on Facebook from mouse gamers to dresses for brides as long as it complies with their policies. The most common is to sell clothes, shoes, used things, there are even people who start selling houses on Fb. There are no limits!

(5) Promote Affiliate Products to Monetize Facebook .


Do not have products and services to offer? Do not worry! You can always sell other people's things and charge a commission. There are several affiliate platforms, but I recommend using Amazon Spain, the commissions are very good. You can create a web page and offer certain products Do not you know anything about web pages? Do not worry, use the groups and your own business page to sell Amazon products with just publish the affiliate link, without web.

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(6) Specialist in getting Likes with Facebook Ads.


The first is applying your knowledge of investment in Facebook Ads and contacting businesses to offer them a growth of real fans (no bots, those are useless and harm any page of (FB).

(7) Managing a Facebook page with many likes.


The second option is already having a Facebook page specialized in a particular subject. Suppose you make a page focused on babies and get about 10,000 fans in a certain country, with that amount and you would be able to visit business either face-to-face or online and offer mentions. You can share your posts on your page and invite your fans to join your business or publish the products they offer on your page.

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(8) Monetize Facebook with Adsense, use the content of your website and Win with Google.


To do this technique you need a little more knowledge, but basically you have to do the following steps:
  • Buy a domain.
  •     Rent a server and set up a website using word press.
  •    .Write viral news about the theme of your Facebook page.
  •     Publish those news on your page.
  •     Start earning money on Facebook and Google Adsense.
I clarify one thing, I do not recommend using this technique with Facebook groups and by this I mean to join groups and post links since this is considered as spam in social networks and is penalized. If you decide to do so, you risk the following:
  • The Facebook profile can be removed.
  • The website could be penalized by Facebook and you will not be able to use it anymore to monetize.
  • Your Facebook Page runs the risk of being eliminated completely or if you are lucky to be penalized for a few days.
You could post a link to your personal account 3 times a week in a Facebook group that has an affinity with your page, but the profits will be very few and it does not compensate the risk of everything mentioned above.

(9) Sell your Facebook page.

This may seem illogical to you. Who in their right mind would sell a page that took so long to grow? The answer is absolutely nobody, but who says you are going to sell that particular page? The strategy is as follows:
  • Give love to a page, make it viral and make it grow up to a million fans.
  • Create a page of the same theme and use the one million page to accelerate the growth of the small one.
How to know how much my page costs? the estimated price for 1,000 fans of Latin America without counting Bolivia and Venezuela is $ 1- $ 2 approximately. But it depends a lot on how active your fans are, the more active the price can reach $ 10 per 1,000 fans. That means that if you get a page of 1 million fans and you pick up a page of 50,000 in a month, you could sell it at least $ 50. Which will not cost you much to have the support of the big one.

How much does it cost to upload a page to a million fans?

If you are thinking only invest to raise that page, you would have to invest between $ 1,000 to $ 3,000 if you know how to invest correctly. Do you think a lot of money? Actually, this is a business. When you have the million fans you will not only win selling pages but you will be able to apply all the other strategies that I mentioned, if you add up all your potential income it is not at all negligible.

(10) Sell your Community Manager service.


Do you know how to design in a basic way? Do you easily identify viral publications? Then you can become a CM focused on raising Facebook pages and start earning money by uploading photos to Facebook.

Large page managers are willing to pay you in cash or exchange your services in exchange for sharing the posts on your new page. Many page owners have not invested what I mentioned to them to reach the million, they only worked for other page owners, now they have millions of fans and earn a very good amount of money.

You can also offer your services to local companies. Many businesses do not know how to manage their content and lose many opportunities, but beware, if you are going to work with local businesses, they have to warn the client (if they have very few fans) that their publications will not have visibility but invest in advertising, many customers they think that just by publishing photos the pages will grow and that is not true.

You can apply using the other techniques I mentioned, but you can not promise the customer to win thousands of fans a month without investment in Facebook Ads.

(11) Become an Influencer on Facebook.


Do you master a theme perfectly? It's time to start building your personal brand in social networks and show the world that you know what you say and demonstrate it in a practical way. Before you start doing any kind of specialized page, you have to make sure that people really care about what you do. You can not start to build a specialized Facebook page if there are very few people looking for that topic on the Internet.

If you are a Gamer, you could make a page of that topic and make reviews of games, game plays, make fun publications and tips on how to get the most out of your computer, etc.

Remember that this is already showing your SER as an expert and provided professional opinions, you have to become a reference, when you have a large number of fans, brands will contact you to sponsor your activities on social networks.

(12) Monetize videos on Facebook.


This option is already active, although there are still some countries in Latin America that still do not have access. This monetization option is known on Facebook "Advertising Pauses" The guide is already ready, enjoy it and do not forget to leave your comments, it is time to master the monetization of Facebook videos.

Do you want to see more Guides?

If you want to learn new features of Facebook and all the tricks that I have that will help you to optimize the publications of your Facebook Page and that at the same time will help you to earn more money with your endeavors I invite you to follow the following steps so that you are completely informed of my new articles and videos.

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Monday, November 19, 2018

How to attract a girl in school very fast (without money) 3 magic ways

 How to attract a girl in school very fast (without money) 3 magic ways.

Going out with someone at school can be confusing and complicated, especially when you like someone. Although you can not force someone to be interested in dating you, there are many ways to try to impress the girls and make them notice you.


Method 1: Talk to the girls .

Make an eye contact with her. Interact with the girl you like.  


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  • Greet her when you see her at school and in extracurricular activities.
  • If you've never talked to the girl, she just finds the courage to even smile at you and maybe later say hello, which will be pretty clear to her.
  • If you never say hello to the girl you like, you'll never know what you like.
  • Do not be too shy when you try to talk to her. Trust is a very attractive quality.
  • Do not stare at it for too long. This will bother many girls and they will wonder what's wrong with them.
  • When you present yourself, keep your body language open and dynamic. Do not stoop, look away or babble.
  • Make an eye contact with her, offer a firm handshake and say: "Hi, I'm..........! How are you?".

Make use of text messages and social networks to interact with the girl you like.
Most likely, you spend part of your time on Facebook or Twitter. Start a conversation online or via text message by saying:


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  • "Hi how are you?".
  • "And what plans?"
  • Comment the photos on your page. If you have a pet, ask how it is. If you see that you practice a sport, it is material that you can take advantage of to start a conversation.

Make a compliment to the girl you like at the beginning of the conversation.

Girls like that others tell them nice things.

  • Make it a friendly compliment. Do not always flatter your physical appearance.
  • Girls do not just want to draw attention to their physique. If she's good at something, tell her!
  • To flatter a girl, you can say, "I've noticed you're a great dancer" or "I like what you said in history class today, I never saw it that way."
  • If you are an athlete, congratulate her on her most recent match: "You were amazing at last week's football game."

Talk to her during lunch or after school activities. Do not be afraid to share things about yourself so she can meet you.


  • Ask questions about your family, your interests or your classes at school.
  • During the conversation, make eye contact and affirm that you are listening. Say things like: "I think it's great" or "That's very cool. I would like to know more about that. "

Meet the girl you like. Get involved in some of the same activities. 

  • Showing interest in the things you like will allow you to spend more time with the girl you like.
  • Being interested in the school activities that you like will help you to know her less. This will show you that you are interested in what you like.
  • For example, offer to help with the trip of school charities or get involved in the same theater group.
  • To start this conversation you could say something like: "I noticed that you are involved in video game. I am very good at online video game and I would like to help you. "

Avoid talking endlessly about yourself. Girls will not be impressed if they think you are bragging.

  • Ask her questions about things she likes to do, her family, pets, and school.
  • You can interject with facts and ideas of your own and about yourself.
  • Always steer the conversation back to her.

Method 2: Impress the girls .

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Do good things for the girl you like. Know your favorite things and surprise them with them.

  • If you have a favorite flower, buy one for her and surprise her.

  • Offer to bring your backpack or heavy books to class.
  • Take your favorite sweet or snack to school or another activity.
  • Help her with an event at the school in which she participates.

Be a good friend Do not divulge or listen to gossip about the girl you like.

  • It's hard to deal with gossip in high school, especially for girls.
  • If someone says something bad about the girl you like, defend her.
  • Do not let your friends spread rumors or gossip about your social group.

Ask her for get out. Offer to take her to see a movie she likes or an activity she will enjoy.

  • After flirting with a girl for a while, you can try inviting her out.
  • Close the deal by saying: "So, are you busy on Saturday? I would like to get tickets for a movie "or something similar.
  • If you know that you have expressed interest in going to a specific event, offer to take it. Say: "I heard you wanted to go to the dance on Friday. I'd like to take you, if you still want to go. "
  • Make your offer for an appointment about her and her interests.
  • Do not ask energetically or be rude if you reject.
  • It does not have to be an expensive activity or appointment. The importance of an appointment is to be able to spend time together in private.
  • If either of you is shy at first, try suggesting a double or group appointment to relieve the pressure.

Avoid obsessing with the person you like. This is disgusting.

  • Give him a little space. Do not always be close to her ..
  • Do not follow her at school or at extracurricular activities. Let your interactions flow naturally and do not force them.
  • Do not be too attentive. If you said you're not interested, do not continue to bother her.

Dress well. Every time you see the girl you like, you'll want to look your best. 


  • Whatever your personal style, make sure your clothes are clean and not wrinkled.
  • Make sure your appearance is neat.
  • Make sure you practice daily hygiene: showering, using deodorant, brushing your teeth, etc.
  • Wearing cute clothes will make it look like you have more confidence in yourself.

Method 3: Use your own personality to make you notice .

You may Like: Top best 10 ways to motivate your employees (without money).

Be yourself. Do not be afraid to have your own personality and confidence in yourself. 

  •  Do not change so drastically to attract a girl's attention.
  • Girls like boys who are comfortable with themselves and have a lot of self-confidence.
  • If you are creative, get involved with a musical, artistic or theatrical group. You will meet, and hopefully attract, girls who have similar interests and talents.

Develop your own interests. Stay involved in your sports, arts or school activities even when you are interested in chasing a girl. 

  •  Do not spend 100% of your time thinking about the girl you like or trying to impress her.
  • You will need balance in your life. Keep busy with your own hobbies in the meantime.
  • Hopefully, the girl you like will have some of the same interests. Developing them can help you spend more time with her.

Keep your own friendships. A boy who has a good group of close friends will be attractive to girls.

  • This can be a good way to meet girls through your own social group.
  • Invite the girl you are interested in to participate in activities with you and your friends.
  • Friendships are important. Make sure you do not neglect your friends once you start dating a girl.

Stay focused on your school work. It is not recommended that your notes fall because you are distracted trying to like a girl. 

  •  A boy with good grades will be more attractive to girls than a boy who is failing all his classes.
  • Participate in your classes. The girls will notice this if you have confidence in class.

Friday, November 16, 2018

How to change your life just in 7 days (without money) || Motivation-BD

How to change your life just in 7 days (without money).

You will find a guide that will make you earn money, exercise and smile more in seven days. We have reflected a change that you must make each day of the week, and why it is essential.

Monday: Establish a saving goal according to your  

To save 10% or 15% per month of your income, according to experts recommend, you have to make an effort. According to Fidelity's recommendations on retirement savings, if you are under thirty and earn $ 60,000 annually, you should have the equivalent of a full year's salary ($ 60,000) in savings. At the age of 35 that amount should double ($ 120,000). At 40 that amount should triple (180,000 dollars). Keep in mind that you do not have to set aside each penny of the previous amounts to achieve your goal. If you use a pension fund or any other investment account, your money will be invested in the market with possibilities to increase.

Tuesday: Ask yourself this question: What do I wantthat I already have? What else do I really want? (If there is something)


Katherine Schafer, a psychotherapist, wrote about the "ambition trap" in a publication for Thrive Global. It is the tendency to get everything we want to make us happy.
"The more aware we are, the easier it is to differentiate between what we want and what we really want to have," he says. "But how do we make that distinction? As human beings, we are mostly accustomed to wanting more by default. More food, more money, more friends,more material things, more time, more attention. So, how do we start to want less? "
A good start to ask us the questions we have discussed before.
Wednesday: Have all the documentation related to you restate planning prepared - such as the  power of attorney, and the living will – to continue with the control of your life


According to Jenny Flam, New Jersey attorney at Cole Schultz, who specializes in probate proceedings, the best way to protect yourself from financial abuse is to make sure that all documentation pertaining to your estate planning is complete, and that means more than a will.
A power of attorney is a legal document that empowers one or more people to access your accounts, as well as the ability to make decisions about your money when you cannot do so. A living will does the same in terms of making medical decisions.
Thursday: Change the scenario to be more productiveif you work from home


Tanza Louden back, from Business Insider, had the feeling that her productivity was impaired when she worked from home. After a month of trial and error, he discovered a strategy that worked for him: changing the scenario.

Now Louden back spends at least two hours each day outside the "work desk" located in his bedroom, and at least one day a week he leaves his apartment to a cafeteria or another place. Brie Reynolds, a specialist in senior professional careers at Flex Jobs,told Louden back that moving from one space to another is a "great way to stay focused and productive on the day." In addition, it breaks with the monotony that we all suffer at certain times.

Friday: It establishes a filter for the e-mail  Addresses of purchases by Internet in your Gmail account, in order to avoid impulses to buy


Libby Kane, of Business Insider, found that the best way to resist the impulse to spend money online is simply to filter email addresses.
Now all online shopping e-mails are filtered immediately to the shopping folder - they do not reach your inbox - until you see that you need something specific, in which with a single click you find out if any of your pages Favorite sale has offers.

Saturday: Write down three things for which you are grateful


At the beginning of a speech at UC Berkeley, Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg revealed one of the psychological strategies she uses to overcome her husband's death: "Write down three happy moments before going to bed every night." "This simple practice has changed my life," Sandberg said. "Because no matter what happens in the day, I always leave thinking of something cheerful."
Martin Seligman, founder of the current positive psychology, discovered that, after six months, the study participants who wrote down three positive thingsbefore going to sleep each night felt happier and less depressed.

Sunday: Make your list of things to do and prepare your gym clothes for the morning of the next day, before going to sleep


The retired commander of the SEAL of the US Navy. UU  Jocko Willink, has said that he always does two things every night to have an agile start the next morning - and that anyone can apply.
One, prepare your gym clothes at night. The biggest obstacle for someone who develops an exercise routine is that doing so is an added effort in the daily agenda.To make it easy, Willink says, leave your gym stuff ready at night to plant them on you as soon as you get out of bed.

Two, finish making tonight the list of things to do for tomorrow. You already know what you have to do the next day and it is best to organize the day quickly.

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