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Monday, November 19, 2018

How to attract a girl in school very fast (without money) 3 magic ways

 How to attract a girl in school very fast (without money) 3 magic ways.

Going out with someone at school can be confusing and complicated, especially when you like someone. Although you can not force someone to be interested in dating you, there are many ways to try to impress the girls and make them notice you.


Method 1: Talk to the girls .

Make an eye contact with her. Interact with the girl you like.  


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  • Greet her when you see her at school and in extracurricular activities.
  • If you've never talked to the girl, she just finds the courage to even smile at you and maybe later say hello, which will be pretty clear to her.
  • If you never say hello to the girl you like, you'll never know what you like.
  • Do not be too shy when you try to talk to her. Trust is a very attractive quality.
  • Do not stare at it for too long. This will bother many girls and they will wonder what's wrong with them.
  • When you present yourself, keep your body language open and dynamic. Do not stoop, look away or babble.
  • Make an eye contact with her, offer a firm handshake and say: "Hi, I'm..........! How are you?".

Make use of text messages and social networks to interact with the girl you like.
Most likely, you spend part of your time on Facebook or Twitter. Start a conversation online or via text message by saying:


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  • "Hi how are you?".
  • "And what plans?"
  • Comment the photos on your page. If you have a pet, ask how it is. If you see that you practice a sport, it is material that you can take advantage of to start a conversation.

Make a compliment to the girl you like at the beginning of the conversation.

Girls like that others tell them nice things.

  • Make it a friendly compliment. Do not always flatter your physical appearance.
  • Girls do not just want to draw attention to their physique. If she's good at something, tell her!
  • To flatter a girl, you can say, "I've noticed you're a great dancer" or "I like what you said in history class today, I never saw it that way."
  • If you are an athlete, congratulate her on her most recent match: "You were amazing at last week's football game."

Talk to her during lunch or after school activities. Do not be afraid to share things about yourself so she can meet you.


  • Ask questions about your family, your interests or your classes at school.
  • During the conversation, make eye contact and affirm that you are listening. Say things like: "I think it's great" or "That's very cool. I would like to know more about that. "

Meet the girl you like. Get involved in some of the same activities. 

  • Showing interest in the things you like will allow you to spend more time with the girl you like.
  • Being interested in the school activities that you like will help you to know her less. This will show you that you are interested in what you like.
  • For example, offer to help with the trip of school charities or get involved in the same theater group.
  • To start this conversation you could say something like: "I noticed that you are involved in video game. I am very good at online video game and I would like to help you. "

Avoid talking endlessly about yourself. Girls will not be impressed if they think you are bragging.

  • Ask her questions about things she likes to do, her family, pets, and school.
  • You can interject with facts and ideas of your own and about yourself.
  • Always steer the conversation back to her.

Method 2: Impress the girls .

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Do good things for the girl you like. Know your favorite things and surprise them with them.

  • If you have a favorite flower, buy one for her and surprise her.

  • Offer to bring your backpack or heavy books to class.
  • Take your favorite sweet or snack to school or another activity.
  • Help her with an event at the school in which she participates.

Be a good friend Do not divulge or listen to gossip about the girl you like.

  • It's hard to deal with gossip in high school, especially for girls.
  • If someone says something bad about the girl you like, defend her.
  • Do not let your friends spread rumors or gossip about your social group.

Ask her for get out. Offer to take her to see a movie she likes or an activity she will enjoy.

  • After flirting with a girl for a while, you can try inviting her out.
  • Close the deal by saying: "So, are you busy on Saturday? I would like to get tickets for a movie "or something similar.
  • If you know that you have expressed interest in going to a specific event, offer to take it. Say: "I heard you wanted to go to the dance on Friday. I'd like to take you, if you still want to go. "
  • Make your offer for an appointment about her and her interests.
  • Do not ask energetically or be rude if you reject.
  • It does not have to be an expensive activity or appointment. The importance of an appointment is to be able to spend time together in private.
  • If either of you is shy at first, try suggesting a double or group appointment to relieve the pressure.

Avoid obsessing with the person you like. This is disgusting.

  • Give him a little space. Do not always be close to her ..
  • Do not follow her at school or at extracurricular activities. Let your interactions flow naturally and do not force them.
  • Do not be too attentive. If you said you're not interested, do not continue to bother her.

Dress well. Every time you see the girl you like, you'll want to look your best. 


  • Whatever your personal style, make sure your clothes are clean and not wrinkled.
  • Make sure your appearance is neat.
  • Make sure you practice daily hygiene: showering, using deodorant, brushing your teeth, etc.
  • Wearing cute clothes will make it look like you have more confidence in yourself.

Method 3: Use your own personality to make you notice .

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Be yourself. Do not be afraid to have your own personality and confidence in yourself. 

  •  Do not change so drastically to attract a girl's attention.
  • Girls like boys who are comfortable with themselves and have a lot of self-confidence.
  • If you are creative, get involved with a musical, artistic or theatrical group. You will meet, and hopefully attract, girls who have similar interests and talents.

Develop your own interests. Stay involved in your sports, arts or school activities even when you are interested in chasing a girl. 

  •  Do not spend 100% of your time thinking about the girl you like or trying to impress her.
  • You will need balance in your life. Keep busy with your own hobbies in the meantime.
  • Hopefully, the girl you like will have some of the same interests. Developing them can help you spend more time with her.

Keep your own friendships. A boy who has a good group of close friends will be attractive to girls.

  • This can be a good way to meet girls through your own social group.
  • Invite the girl you are interested in to participate in activities with you and your friends.
  • Friendships are important. Make sure you do not neglect your friends once you start dating a girl.

Stay focused on your school work. It is not recommended that your notes fall because you are distracted trying to like a girl. 

  •  A boy with good grades will be more attractive to girls than a boy who is failing all his classes.
  • Participate in your classes. The girls will notice this if you have confidence in class.