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Showing posts with label How to make money with PayPal fast & free | Top 10 Ways to get money in PayPal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to make money with PayPal fast & free | Top 10 Ways to get money in PayPal. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2018

How to make money with PayPal fast & free |Top 10 Ways to get money in PayPal

     How to make money with PayPal fast & free | Top 10 Ways to get money in PayPal. 

In the previous article, we saw "How to make money with Google Adsense without a website." Today we are going to talk about how to make money with Paypal fast & free.

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Paypal is the main and most well-known Internet payment processor, which fulfills the function of a kind of "bank" in which money can be stored and used in hundreds of thousands of web pages or applications on the network. In addition, it also allows you to connect your bank account, credit card and debit card to use the money available in them, or withdraw it to your account.
Due to the great popularity of this platform and that is the main means used to collect the profits generated on the Internet, in today's article we will talk about some ways to get money in PayPal. The possibilities of making money in PayPal are very many and the limit only puts your imagination.

Learn how to generate income with Paypal.

There are and thousands of methods, but today I will talk about some that I have personally tried and with which I have earned a lot of money. However, on the site you will find dozens of ways to make money with Paypal, since the vast majority of methods have the option to collect the profits through this payment processor.

1. Sell an ebook.


The first method is quite simple and anyone (who knows how to write) can do it. If you do not know how to write, you can ask someone to help you or ask someone to write it.

What is this method? Very simple:
  •  Write the ebook.
  •  Upload it to a Landing Page (landing page).
  • Place the "buy" button of PayPal.
  •  Promote the ebook.
The first step is simple, you just have to write (or order an editor) a 15-30 page ebook about a specific problem. This is for example: "How to increase muscle mass in 30 days" or "How to stop smoking" very quickly.

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How to make money with google adsense without a website.

Choose a niche in which you think you can solve a problem and write a small ebook giving the solution to that problem. But remember:
  •  The ebook must be original (not copied from any page or from another ebook).
  • It must be of quality and help the person who reads it. Think that a person is giving you money to help you solve your problem.
  •  Must not have misspellings. (No need to comment here).
The second step is to upload to a landing page. The landing page will be the sales page of the ebook, where you will put a thumbnail of the ebook, its advantages and explain a bit the problem it deals with. And below the "buy" button is placed.

To increase the conversion I recommend putting a part of "about the author", where you talk a little about why that person should read your ebook. You can make a name for yourself as a pseudonym.

Related: Neobux:The highest paying PTC site to make money online.

To create a landing page there are many ways to do it. What I usually use this plugin called Profit Builder, but it costs a little money, and if you're starting I recommend using other free options. Although plugin is great and has an excellent conversion ratio.

There are many tutorials, both on YouTube and on the web, to make free landing pages. I found this free plugin that can help you create your first landing page and see how the process works. And once you start earning profits you can invest in a plugin like Profit Builder.

The fourth step is the most important. It consists of promoting the landingpage to start getting sales.

There are several ways to promote your ebook:
  •  Free: Twitter, Facebook Groups, YouTube, forums of your theme, comments on blogs etc
  •  Paid: Facebook Ads, buy mentions in social networks, buying reviews in other blogs, etc.
This is a common question that is frequently asked me "How much money may be earned by selling an ebook exactly?" In fact, It depends on how good you are promoting and the price you have put. Just a reasonable price for an ebook of just over 20+ pages would be $ 7 easily.

2. Freelance.
A Freelancer is a person who works for free (self-employed) who does work for other companies or other professionals without having a temporary contract with them.

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Personally I have tried several Freelance companies and the one I like the most is Odesk. If you have any better skill that you think could be in demand, this is an excellent way to make money with Paypal and one of the most used for several years easily.

What jobs can you do as a Freelance? It depends on your abilities, but the most demanded jobs are:
  • Website creation
  • Writing articles
  •  Translations
  •  Marketing
  •  Works with Excel
  •  Data analysis
  • Application creation
  •  Virtual assistants
If you do not have any of these skills, do not worry at all. These are just some of the most demanded, but there are many more. For example, I've got all kinds of jobs, from uploading videos to YouTube, commenting on blogs or downloading files from Dropbox. Some fairly easy jobs and do not require knowledge or experience.

In this article I explain how to become a freelancer.

What companies for Freelance are there?

There are several, but the best known are:
All these companies pay for PayPal once you have completed some of the orders.

3. Fiverr.
Motivation-BD  is a site similar to Freelance platforms, with the difference that everything is worth € 5 here. What? Only € 5? For that money it is not worth any effort! This was the first impression I had when I first visited the page.

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How naive I was ... A few months later I went back to and this time I won, yes only € 5, but again and again and again and again ...

So, what does it take to earn money with Paypal on ? is virtually identical to any other site to earn money. You sign up, complete all the necessary information, click on Enter, and voila! Your account is a gold mine.

To start getting money in, as in freelance sites, you must have some talent that people are willing to pay for.

If you can not think of any skill you can sell, do not worry, go to and see what is selling and take ideas from there. But remember to specify well what you are going to sell so there is no confusion. It is also important to choose the niche well, since there are more competing niches than others (as in everything), so making money with Paypal using can be complicated at the beginning.

Once you have created your account and specified your work, the orders should not take long to arrive. In this article I explain to you how it works

4. Sell reviews / Mentions.


If you have a website with a lot of traffic or a fan-page with many fans, an excellent way to get money in Paypal is selling reviews to other Webmasters. You can contact them directly through their web pages and offer them your service reviews or find them in forums.

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The price of a review depends on the quality of your website (Domain Authority, Page Authority, the number of backlinks you have etc); whereas if it is for a social network, it will depend on your audience, statistics, among others (discover how to monetize a facebook fan-page)

5. Writing articles
If you're a good copywriter, a quick way to make money at Paypal is by writing articles for other companies or webmasters. Some pages like pay you for your articles through this means of payment, while in others you can request the medium that best suits you.

The price of the items is measured by the words you have, by the quality and orientation of the same. Textbroker uses stars (from 1 to 5) to measure the quality of the newsrooms.

For example, 5-star newsrooms are paid at 5 cents per word.

6. Link shorteners.


Platforms to shorten links is another way to get money through Paypal . Among them we find Adfly, which is a site for short URLs. Your job will be to shorten links and promote it to get clicks, since people should see advertising before going to the URL that you cut and for which they should have to visit. Adfly will pay you a commission for each click and the payments depend on each country.

If you want to know more about Adfly read my article about how to make money with Adfly.

A recommendation that will be very useful for you to make money with Paypal using shorteners is to draw the attention of the users and offer them something they wish to have as of place. The themes that usually serve for this method are:
  •  Downloads of games or any software (if paid, even better) and adult content (exclusive, of the best quality, among others).
  •  Real or false viral news.
 7. Doing paid surveys.

filling out surveys Many companies want to know your opinion about their products and services, that is why they offer paid surveys and pay the people who make them. Your job will be to answer these questions and collect.

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If you click on the link above, you can enter the article we designed especially with some of the best companies to make money with Paypal doing surveys.

8. Web advertising.

If you have a website or blog, there are advertising platforms to generate income and charge through Paypal . Unfortunately the largest, Adsense, does not work with this system, but there are many other alternatives that must not necessarily be CPC, but there is also the possibility of monetizing with CPA, CPL and affiliate marketing.

Basically the process would be to create a website or blog, position it in search engines, buy traffic, use social networks or all possible options to achieve increased visits; which, according to the optimization of the ads can be quite profitable depending on the theme and campaign carried out.

Another option for webmasters is to rent spaces on their sites for brands that you are interested in advertising. This would charge a fixed monthly amount that you can set according to your statistics and the price you are willing to accept or the company to pay.

9. YouTube and Twich.


If you have a youtube or Twich channel, you can monetize your videos or streaming with ads so you can make money with Paypal. In the case of YouTube, it is necessary to become a partner and sign a contract with a Network, since these are the ones that allow receiving payments through this payment processor. Twich on the other hand includes it among its payment methods.

10. Earn money with apps.


We use the mobile for everything, every day. Why not take advantage of it and generate income through it? If you are looking for a way to earn income for Paypal, using some apps can be useful.

There are many, such as CashPirate, Beruby, Google Opinion Rewards, OP Rewards or Cash 4 Apps.

All, they work in a similar way.

That is, in exchange for installing an application or answering surveys, they offer points that you can then exchange for many different prizes.

Among these, of course, is the possibility of exchanging them for points for Paypal.

So, with virtually no effort, you can start generating money for your payment platform.

Since there are so many applications that work like this, it is best to read the recommendations of other users very well and even the tips to get the most out of it. The ideal is to install those that are really going to pay for your work, and not install those that could be malicious or that do not pay.

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For this, it is best to search forums and user communities. Remember that many of these applications are in English, so you should understand the basics so you can earn your money easily and remove it correctly.

And these are the methods that I have personally used. I hope you liked it. If you like my post, subscribe to the blog and you will be receiving new ideas every week in your email and do not forget to share it.

Guide how to make money with Paypal

Paypal is the most used and safest online shopping and sales service in the world. It makes it easy to make purchases anywhere in the world, and allows us to transfer money to any individual, with the only requirement of having a PayPal account.

In this article today we are going to see how to make money for Paypal by selling your own products and using the "buy now" button.

How to earn money for Paypal selling your products.

Paypal allows you to sell your products using the platform as a means of payment, products can be physical (home, car, bed ...) or digital (e-books, software, games and much more).

This is a feature that can allow us to earn a lot of money with the Paypal platform, no matter what type of product you are selling, be it physical or digital.

Paypal allows you to put this option in your blog, online store or micronicho, so if a person is interested in your product you can click on the "buy now" option, and immediately the money will be charged to your Paypal account .

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This is an excellent tool to manage your business without leaving home, especially for those who want to work online, this tool is excellent for selling infoproducts.

In addition, Paypal can be useful for those who want to work with international affiliate programs, this is because most of the international affiliates make their payments through Paypal.

How to sell your products through Paypal?

To sell our products through Paypalis very simple. You just have to make some basic adjustments. Since we intend to sell our products through Paypal, we have to add the famous "buy now" button.

First, go to the official PayPal website, and then go to the "merchant tools" tab.

Then, a new page will open where you have to click on buttons and then "Buy now". Then a new window will open where we will make some adjustments, as shown in the image below.

At the top is to choose the type of button you want to put, I advise you to put the purchase now. You must enter the name of the item, which will depend on the product you are selling. The space that appears to put the ID is optional, you can leave it blank.

Then you must put the price of your product and the currency to use respectively, if it is a euro dollar it will depend on your target audience.

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Customize Button: With this option you can customize your button for the buyer. You can, for example, add a drop-down menu with or without a price option: Select this item if you're selling T-shirts for example. You can set different values ​​for small, medium or large shirts.

Customize the text or the appearance of the button: In this section you can choose the size of the button, the text, the language and if you want to see the logos of the credit cards accepted by Paypal. You can also choose your own "buy" image.

In the lower part is to establish the amount of products available to order and the respective tax burden in each sale.

After that, the HTML code will appear and you can place it on your website.

And that's it. This is how you can earn money for Paypal by selling your products. I hope you liked it.

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