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Showing posts with label PTC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PTC. Show all posts

Monday, December 24, 2018

ClixSense: The Highest Paying PTC Site To Earn Money Online

ClixSense: Earn Money Doing Surveys and Tasks Online

ClixSense is a platform to earn money from home. In addition, it is one of the most popular and fastest growing pages in the world of online business in recent years. Founded by Steven Girsky in 2007, it has been for many years the most famous PTC in the world together with Neobux. Following the latest changes, it has gone from being a PTC to a GPT multitasking page.

Related: Blogger for money:How does this blog make $40,000 monthly.

The section of seeing ads is no longer available, but instead, the possibilities to earn money have increased considerably. There is a bit of everything: complete paid surveys, perform tasks, bid walls, referral system, activity bonus, and so on. A very complete site that has gradually evolved to become a benchmark in the world of making money online and online business. A totally essential website that, at a particular level, has given me spectacular results.

How to make money .clixsense Tutorial
Of course, ClixSense is a completely free page where anyone can register and start generating income from the first day.
😂 Basic aspects of ClixSense:
  •  My opinion: Excellent: 10/10
  •  Site management: ClixSense has been online since 2007, which indicates that it is a very established, reliable and established site. The administrator is Jim Grago, also the owner of the well-known advertising and marketing company Adhitz.
  • Payments: You can request from $ 10. The reception period usually ranges between 2 and 5 working days from the request.
  • Payment method: Skrill, Payoneer, Tango Card, Dwolla, and check.
  • Payment Proof: Yes.
  • Referrals: 1 unlimited level. You earn 20% of the profits that our guests obtain through surveys, offers, and tasks.
  • Language: English, although the web is very easy and intuitive. It can be translated into Spanish with the Google translator.
  • Accepted countries: Users from all over the world can register with ClixSense.
  • Forum: Very complete community in all languages (including, of course, Spanish). You can expose your doubts, questions, see the evolution that users have on the page, payment vouchers that people upload every day, et cetera. A 10.
😄  News and updates:
  • 23-08-2018: Due to problems with multi-accounts and other traps that affect all users, affiliates can no longer be obtained from China and Vietnam.
  • 12-05-2018: Due to the problems that Payza has, it has been temporarily removed as a payment processor.
  • 07-07-2017: ClixSense stops being a PTC and becomes a multitasking page. More information.
  • 16-03-2017: Added a new internal chat for direct communication between all users.
  • 21-02-2017: New payment processor added: Skrill.
  • 15-02-2017: Payza is again available as a payment processor.
  • 10-02-2017: PayPal blocks the ClixSense account permanently. More information.
  • 09-11-2016: Jim Grago announces the possibility of incorporating Bitcoin as a payment method. More information.
😃  How does ClixSense work?

ClixSense (not Clicksense, Clisense, Clixense, Clixcense, Clicsense or Cliksense) is a "Get Paid To" (GPT) page, or what is the same, a website that remunerates its users for performing all kinds of tasks and online jobs

Founded in 2007, its operation has evolved to become one of the best sites to earn money online.

It started basically being a PTC page, where most of the benefits came from the display of paid ads. This was improving as they were adding more ways to earn money, such as CrowdFlower tasks or bidding walls.

On July 17, 2017, ClixSense significantly changed its business model, completely eliminating its main section: PTC ads. Since then, he has completely turned to paid surveys, assignments and offers.

😀  Is this website legal and safe?

ClixSense is definitely a legal and secure website that is based in the USA. UU and that is regulated by the strict laws of that country. Its greatest guarantee lies in having been paying its users on a regular basis since 2007. At the time of updating this article, the figure now exceeds 34 million dollars (and rising).

Related: Bidvertiser:Monetize your blog or website-Adsense alternatives.

You just have to take a look at the opinions that exist on the Internet about this platform to realize that we are facing a site of very high level and of the highest quality and confidence.

On a personal level, I have been using the web since May 15, 2013, and I have never had a single problem.

😂  How to register with ClixSense:

To proceed with the registration, go to the account creation screen. At the end of the post or on the button above you will find the link to it.

The data to be completed are the usual ones: name, email, password, and a username. Once done, we will receive a confirmation email to activate the account. From there, we can access our account and start earning dollars.

So, let's move on to the tutorial on how to use ClixSense from top to bottom to get the most out of it.

 Click here to join ClixSense

To consider:

It is not allowed to register more than one account per IP address or to use programs to simulate a different country of residence (VPN, proxies, etc).

😏  How to make money with ClixSense:

Now that the PTC section is no longer available (paid to click, pay per click or earn money watching ads), the possibilities of earning income are focused on other categories that were already available and that now gain more strength than ever.
Clixsense earnings.
Let's go over them one by one.

1. Doing surveys:

One of the strengths of ClixSense is its section of paid surveys. There are usually many available and are well paid (from $ 0.18 to $ 4 for each). To receive the largest number of them, it is very important to complete the personal profile in the appropriate way.

ClixSense Surveys
To enter this section, go to the (Surveys) menu. There we will see all the available panels among which we will find the super known CINT, Opinion Survey, GlobalTestMarket, Samplicio, etcetera.

Related:  How to make money online with Advcash.

Depending on how we have completed our personal profile, we can complete more or fewer surveys, so it is important to fill it out thoroughly. I recommend reading this article, where you will find some tips to answer well the typical questions of qualification (age, work, hobbies, income, etc.).

Apart from the different panels, in this section, we will also find the daily surveys. These are exclusive and therefore reduced, so it is important to complete them as soon as we see them before they are exhausted.

Although in theory, we will receive a notice by email when there is one available, it is much more reliable to log in to the web every now and then to find if a new one has come out. Personally, I do so and I find many surveys that I had not received any notice by email.

As additional advice, I recommend that from the "Preferences" section, indicate that you want to receive surveys on any type of device.

In this way, apart from being able to make surveys from the computer, you will have the possibility of receiving exclusive surveys for mobile phones and tablets.

Is it safe to share our personal data?

Most survey pages will ask for more information about us, such as age, gender, income, details about our family, etc. These data are only used for statistical purposes, so there is no problem.

At the end of the day, these data are already shared in a certain way when we surf the Internet. This is because 99% of websites, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, use cookies to register our IP address, location, approximate age, gender, details about the device we are using to access the network, etc.

Therefore, as long as we do not share really confidential data, such as the credit card number or some important password (that is not the case), it is totally safe.

2. Completing offers (Offers Walls):

In ClixSense you can also earn money by completing a large number of available offers: registrations in other sites, listening to the radio, playing games, downloading applications, viewing videos, and so on. It is interesting to take a look at this section if we want to earn a little more.
ClixSense Offers
There are many panels available: Matomy, OfferToro, AdsCend, SuperRewards, and so on. One of the most interesting is Peanut Labs, where there are usually surveys available almost every day. Although you can earn good extra money on these walls, it is very important to review the available offers well.

Related: ClixSense: How to make $ 80,000 money Online fast.

For example, all those in which they ask for your mobile phone number or credit card, do not complete them, as they are not usually worthwhile and can also lead to significant costs.

3.Carrying out tasks (CrowdSourcing):

Another strength of ClixSense is its tasks section. As with Neobux, we have at our disposal the CrowdFlower wall (now known as Figure Eight), a crowdsourcing platform where we can earn extra money by completing small jobs.

In Anglo-Saxon countries such as Canada or the US, they can earn incredible amounts of money, but for users in Spain or Latin America, it is a little more complicated. There are few jobs and a lot of demand, so you have to be very careful to take advantage of the opportunities that come out.

Due to the fact that crowdsourcing platforms are quite demanding, it is very important to take the tasks seriously, since, otherwise, our chances of receiving and completing them will gradually diminish.

In addition, ClixSense grants a special bonus of $ 5 for every $ 50 we earn thanks to these crowdsourcing tasks. One last.

If you do not know how this type of micro-work works, I advise you to read this mini guide from CrowdFlower.

4. ClixSense Research:

This is another interesting option to earn money in ClixSense. It is a site owned by the same company but on a different page.

When we create an account in ClixSense, we are automatically doing it in ClixSense Research. You enter using the same username and password as on the web.
ClixSense Research
Once inside, it is about completing our personal profile and start earning money by completing surveys. It is a very interesting site and does not have any difficulty.

Contests and Daily Checklist Bonus:

ClixSense has other additional ways to generate income, in addition to other aspects that are interesting to know. They are the following:

• Contest tasks: Every week ClixSense makes a contest of who performs more tasks. The prizes are distributed as follows:

1.First classified: $ 50

 2. Second place: $ 20

 3. Third place: $ 10

  4. Fourth and fifth classifieds: $ 5

 5. From the sixth to the tenth classified: $ 2

😈  ClixSense tasks:

• Daily Bonus: The requirements to complete it are: complete 10 tasks or 2 surveys or offers (either of the two), and visit the forum once (do not do anything, entering and leaving is enough). With this, we will get a 6% bonus.

Additionally, we can get a 10% bonus very easily. It will be enough to have ClixAddon active for one hour a day and have completed the normal daily bonus for at least three consecutive days.
ClixSense Tasks
Another interesting aspect of this PTC is the possibility of installing the ClixAddon, a toolbar (personalized utility bar on your PC), which serves to notify you of new offers, tasks or surveys that are appearing to make money in your account.

So you do not lose a single opportunity to earn the maximum possible money. Essential.

If at any time you need help and you can not find it on the entire ClixSense website, you can contact them through the Helpdesk > Submit a Ticket section.

Related: How to make money with PayPal fast and free.

There you have the possibility to write to them on any question if in the FAQ of the web you have not found the answer that you were looking for.

😨  Referral system in ClixSense:

This section is possibly the one that has undergone a more radical change since the page has stopped being a PTC to become a multi-tasking platform. The old 8 levels of referrals have gone to an exclusive level.
ClixSense Referrals
This has substantially matched the possibilities of all users, since people who had affiliate networks of thousands of referrals no longer have them. From now on, everyone will earn 20% of what his or her direct referrals get with the completion of surveys and tasks.

Additionally, we will all win a $ 2 bonus when one of our referrals reaches their first $ 5. The truth is that the ClixSense referral system is still really good.

You can find the invitation link on the main page of your account in "My Affiliate Details".

😆😆😆  To consider:

If you disappear referrals of your account do not panic, it is normal. This occurs when they have ceased to be active for more than 90 days in a row. In the event that they wanted to re-enter, they should create a new account and start from scratch.

Tips to earn more money in ClixSense:

After several years using this great website, I have compiled the following tips to maximize profits as much as possible.

 1 • Tips for completing surveys

► Fill in the personal profile in the best possible way to receive more surveys.

► Do not be incongruous in the answers. If you have put one thing in the profile, do not put the 
     opposite in the polls. Companies can detect it as fraud and reverse the profits made. As if this          were not enough, ClixSense can bank the account.

► Surveys are limited, so it is very important to complete them as soon as they are available. Having 
     ClixAddon enabled is very useful in this regard.

► After completing a survey, it is advisable to make a screen capture in which the success of the 
      survey is reflected. In the case of not receiving the winnings, we can use it as evidence.

► In the case of using a mobile phone or a tablet, it is important to enable surveys for these devices 
     through the "Survey preferences" menu located at the top left of the web.

2 • Tips to complete the tasks of Figure Eight:

► At level 0, it is more important to move to level 1 than to try to earn more money, since tasks are 
     very limited at that level.

► At level 0, if the tasks we receive have a remuneration that is too small for the time they require,    it is important to complete at least the test questions in order to level up more quickly.

► Order the tasks of Figure Eight for their qualification. The best-rated tasks are generally easier to complete and the benefit/time ratio is higher.

► In the case of wanting to compete in the weekly task contest, it is better to choose the quickest tasks instead of looking at the money received for each one.

► Try to complete the Figure Eight test questions with 100% accuracy. Afterward, you can complete the tasks in the work mode more quickly without worrying about the accuracy falling below the minimum level.

► It is advisable to review the ClixSense forum often to ask and share questions about all tasks.

💂 3 • Tips for getting referrals:

► Talk to your friends and show them your payment vouchers.

► Create a blog (here you can see how to do it) and promote ClixSense as I do it.

► Use social networks to promote your progress on the web (without SPAM).

How to withdraw the earnings in ClixSense:

Another section that has been having several changes during all these years is the forms of payment. Today, the platform has six ways to withdraw our earnings: Payoneer, Skrill, Dwolla, Tango Card and bank check.
ClixSense Account Summary
It is very possible that PayPal will not be late in joining this group of electronic purses since all the changes produced in the last dates have as a real objective the return of this payment processor.

The minimum amount to withdraw has also changed. Now there are no distinctions between Premium and free users, and everyone can request his or her money from $ 10. The deadline to receive it usually ranges between 5 and 7 working days.

As a personal opinion, I think Payoneer is the best option of all, especially for Latin America. I have been using this purse since they incorporated it and it seems like a real wonder. In addition, you can win twice, since this processor offers a $ 25 bonus for each guest-friend.

For users in Europe, another highly recommended option is Skrill. Anyway, I leave the link to the tutorial of each of the processors available for you to take a look and decide which one suits you best.

But ... ClixSense pays?

Jurassic! That does not even ask! Hehehe 😛 After more than 10 years, I do not think anyone doubts this question. ClixSense is a serious and reliable site that religiously complies with the payments of all its users.

In the more than five years that I have been using this page, I have received countless payments that I have always received on time. The biggest of all was the one that I put at the beginning of the post, but just in case I put the image here:

More than 1,000 dollars! An authentic savage that shows the enormous potential of this page. At that time they still paid for PayPal.

Anyway, a long time ago I do not expect to have such a large amount of money, and I usually get the money when I collect 200 or 300 dollars. An example of this would be the next payment, received promptly through Payoneer.

Frequently asked questions about ClixSense

There are many questions that people ask about this excellent website. Let's review the most important ones.

1.How to get referrals in ClixSense?

All the methods to get referrals for this one and for any web you can see them here.

2.How to buy referrals?

In ClixSense you can not buy or rent referrals.

3.How to put ClixSense in English?

The website is only available in English. The only way to pass it to Spanish is using the Google Translator. Even so, the operation is so simple that it is not necessary.

4.Can you make money without referrals?

Yes of course. The potential of the page is so great that great results can be achieved without the need for referrals.

5.What is better ClixSense or Neobux?

Both are excellent. The ideal is to use the two😉

6.Do you earn money with ClixSense games?

No. The games available within the platform do not serve to generate income, they are simply to entertain themselves.

7. Can a VPN be used to earn more?

No. It is completely forbidden and is penalized with the permanent suspension of the account.

8. Is there a bot for ClixSense?

Not that I know of. Even so, the security mechanisms of the web would detect it right away.

9.Can you use the web from your mobile?

Yes, the web adapts perfectly to mobile devices. Anyway, it is more convenient to use it from a PC.
Advantages and disadvantages of ClixSense.

Before moving on to the conclusions, let's review the most remarkable for good and bad of this veteran multitasking page.

👍  In favor:
  •  More than 10 years online paying on time.
  • Serious, honest and competent administrator.
  • Many ways to earn money totally free.
  • Despite the latest changes, it still has a good referral system.
  •  Minimum payment affordable for everyone.
  • Available for users from all countries.
  • Of the few pages that pay through Payoneer.
  • It has an official forum.
👎  Against:

    The section that made the web-famous (see ads), is no longer available.

ClixSense: Opinions and conclusion:

Without any doubt,ClixSense is my favorite website with much difference over the others. It is a completely mandatory page if you want to start in this world of making money online and online business.

More than eleven years giving exceptional service and paying without any problem is an impressive endorsement that few sites can match.

After the last changes produced, it has become a page that offers the same opportunities to all users. The Premium membership no longer exists nor the different minimums to withdraw the accumulated balance.

Anyone with a desire to work can achieve incredible goals without the need to invest even a single dollar. I myself have achieved incredible payments like the one I have put you up or like this or this one after spending a lot of time and effort.

The truth is that it is a site that is worthwhile and wherein the medium and long term you can get a very attractive monthly income.
If you want to register for free, you can do so by clicking on the following banner. For any questions, the comments are at your disposal

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