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Showing posts with label master card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label master card. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

How to make money online with advcash.Easy way to shop,buy & sell

How to Make money online with Advcash

In the previous article, we saw " How to make money with trying Products at Home." Today we are going to talk about "How to make money Online with Advcash."

Before we know how to make money with Advcash, we must first know what is Advcash? This is a payment processor, which was enabled in 2005, in the beginning it was called Advanced Cash, but with time it became Advcash, in this platform you can make your online transactions, in fact one of the great benefits that Advcash offers that when making a transaction you do not have to pay any commission (in the case of movements between accounts) or to do it, it will be so cheap that it is practically free, which is ideal for all those who wish to charge at the time of sell a product online or for the provision of a service, until now this is a payment processor which is not very popular, however its positioning among other payment processors is getting better, when it comes to making transactions or earn money with Advcash, this platform offers multiple benefits.

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Advantages of Advcash


1. Low or zero commissions, when making a transaction between accounts, Advcash does not
   charge any commission and if you make any transaction to another payment processor, the
   commissions are extremely low, in addition to making a transfer to your Visa card or MasterCard
  commission will be only 2.5% and that without counting the fact that the first two transfers are
  completely free.

2. You can earn money in Advcash, this is thanks to the referral program, which is perfect at the
    time you want to generate money with Advcash without much effort, it is only a question that
   you  find people who like you want to earn money with Advcash

3. You can get a MasterCad card, this is an excellent option that many payment processors do not
   offer, you can not only make money with Advcash, but you can also request a card either virtual or
   physical MasterCad, ideal when it comes to make a withdrawal or a virtual purchase.

4. Your registration is free, just go to the website of Advcash and register as you would in any other
    platform such as a social network, as you will see at the time want to increase your money with  
   Advcash or make transactions this is the ideal platform.

5. You can have Bitcoin, unlike other payment processors, with Advcash you can multiply your
   money by being able to save in Bitcoin, in fact the commissions when making a transaction in this
   currency is extremely low.

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These were only 5 of the main advantages offered by the platform when generating money with Advcash or making transactions, on the other hand, transactions can easily be made from platforms such as Paxum, Payeer, OKPay, Yandex Money, Perfect Money, Ecoin, BTC, Web Money, among others ...Advcash is also an excellent option when it comes to Bitcoin transactions, the best thing is its low commission, which is only 0.5% and if you make a Bitcoin withdrawal, the commission would be completely free, as you will see so far you know that you can earn money in Advcash as well as you save a lot of money when making transactions or withdrawals, thanks to its low or zero commission. On the other hand, while you start using Advcash you do not need to verify your account, however to use it in this way there is a limit of money that you can manage, if you are going to exceed that limit, then if you must verify your account, which is very important simple to make.

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How to verify my Advcash account?


Once you are close to managing the amount of $ 2500 monthly, it is good to verify your account, since that is precisely the limit, the verification process is extremely simple and offers several benefits, such as users who have verified your account, you will have the option to make transactions instantly and automatically. If you already consider it is time for you to verify your account, then you must follow the following steps that we present below:

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1. Start the verification process, to start you must log in to your Advcash account and then click on
    the option that says "not verified".

2. Complete your professional profile, you must place all the data that you request, it is essential that
    all your data is real, remember that this is a serious and legalized page, so checking your account
   is  like creating a bank account , your professional profile can be completed once you have clicked
   on the option that says "personal information"

3. Provide your documents, once you have completed all the information corresponding to your
   professional profile, you must click on the option that says "verification", that is where you will
   upload all the documents that you have requested to complete the Verification process.


As you will see in 3 simple steps you will have completed the verification process of your account, now it only remains to know how to make money with Advcash, but what data and documents will you ask me to complete the verification process? It is not a major thing, mainly they are 3

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1. Identification document, you must provide your passport, driving license or ID.

2. Address where you reside, you must attach a receipt or payment invoice where you can clearly see
    both your address and your data.

3. Phone number, you must place the phone number that will be synchronized with your Advcash
    account, so you can be notified of any movement or send security codes.

Once you have completed the verification process of your account, you can go to the option that says "security settings" and you can configure your account to have a higher level of security.

How to earn money with Advcash


Without a doubt, it is a fact that with Advcash you can earn money, and this is thanks to the fact that this platform has an excellent referral program, which allows you to earn easy money with Advcash, but how much money can I earn with Advcash? ? it is variant, because with this program you can receive exactly 20% of the total commissions generated by your referrals, the more referrals you have, the greater your monetary gain with Advcash.

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As you can see, not only is it limited to being a payment processor, but also here you will have the opportunity to earn more money with Advcash, just by inviting your friends and acquaintances to join the Advcash platform to earn money, make transactions or acquire one of your MasterCard cards ... No matter the reason, the truth is that the more referrals you get, the more opportunities you have to increase your money with Advcash, on the other hand once you are willing to generate extra income in Advcash, the ideal is that you share your referral link in your social networks so that you get the most people willing to earn a lot of money with Advcash and that way you can earn enough money with Advcash, by getting as many referrals as possible. It is good to keep in mind the fact that in Advcash to earn more money there is no limit on referrals, so from now on, start with the search of all your referrals so that you can notice how with Advcash you can increase your money.

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As you can see this is a payment processor that has multiple benefits, where in addition to allowing the opportunity to earn more money with Advcash, also allows you to have a MasterCard, either virtual or physical, but How to request such MasterCard cards to perform more money movements on the Advcash platform? Next we will show you how to request and activate your MasterCad card, be it physical or virtual.

Advcash MasterCad virtual card.

This card is ideal when you need to make any movement of money virtually, either to pay for a product and / or service as well as when making charges online, this being an excellent option for all those who mostly make money movements virtually, the process to create it is very simple, also if you still do not manage so much money with Advcash, so you do not have your account verified, that does not matter, you just have to follow the steps presented below :

1. Log in to your account, then click on the option that says "create card" in the lower left corner of
   the panel.

2. Choose the type of card you want, in this case it would be the "virtual card" option.

3. Make your choices, now it only remains to choose the wallet you want to operate, as well as the
    amount of money obtained in your Advcash account that you wish to transfer to your MasterCard.

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How could you see in just 3 simple steps you created and enabled your MasterCard virtual card, one of the best advantages of having this virtual card is that you do not need to pay maintenance at any time, it is linked to your account Advcash and you can make any virtual transaction without any inconvenience, but logically not having it in physical you can not use it at ATMs or points of sale.

MasterCad physical card.

This MasterCad card can not only be paid with dollars, but also with euros and bitcoins. On the other hand it has a cost of $ 4.99, only if you request it within 7 days from the moment you created your account in Advcash, if you request this card in the following days then its cost would be $ 14.99. On the other hand one of the most notable advantages is that it is not necessary to have your Advcash account verified in order to make use of this card. To apply for your MasterCard physical card, you must follow the steps shown below.

1. Log in to your account, just like the virtual card, you must click on the option that says "create
    card" so that you can choose the option that, in this case, would be "the plastic card".

2. Place the address where you reside, in this way you will provide the necessary information so that
    they send you to your home or to the place where you prefer to withdraw it.

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And that's it, once you click on the option that says "continue" you have already sent the request for your MasterCard physical card, as you could see the only difference with the previous process, is that in the second step you must place the address where you reside to receive the physical card, but how long can it take for my MasterCard card to arrive? The shipment is made via mail and the time depends on the location, on average it can last from 2 to 4 weeks, however it is good to know that in some countries you can not request the sending of a physical card, as it is the case from Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Bolivia, if you reside in some of these countries you can request the MasterCard Virtual card without any problem.

Once I have my MasterCad physical card, how do I activate it?

Once you have received the physical card, you must perform the activation process, which is very simple, you just have to follow the steps that we present below:

1. Log in to your Advcash account, once there, you must click on the option that says "Cards", there
    you should see a yellow card.

2. Enter the code, which you should have received and give the option that says continue, then you
   will see a second box, which verifies that the activation process is about to end, finally you must
    click on continue.

3. Deposit, then you will be asked to make a deposit to your card to verify that it works regularly, the
    amount may be the one you want, you do not need high sums, once the deposit is completed, you
    must go to the option that says "View pin", attentive to your email, since you should have received
   a message with the code that you must enter in the box, once you have placed the code there, you
  will be able to appreciate a picture, which will have the PIN of your card so you can use it
  whenever you want.

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