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Showing posts with label abdomen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abdomen. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How to deflate abdomen in 24 hours | Quick Deflation Tips & Tricks

How to deflate abdomen in 24 hours | Quick Deflation Tips & Tricks. | Motivation-BD

Are you tired of dieting and can not eliminate the feeling of bloating? Do you have a swollen belly?

The abdomen is one of the areas of the body in which more fat accumulates, even in people of thin build. Our belly, this part of the body that worries us so much, is very prone to swelling for various reasons, which we will explain next.

If you are tired of dieting and you feel that the swelling and heaviness is not going away, here we are going to offer you the best tips to be able to eliminate that heavy feeling of being bloated. Although it is true that it does not always depend on your diet, since swelling can be a symptom of a multitude of illnesses, you should also take care of your diet and your lifestyle; Well, this usually improves your physical condition a lot.
Normally we notice the swelling in areas such as the abdomen because at different times of the day we notice much more bulging, we notice that the trousers tighten ... etc. If you notice that your feet or hands are swollen, before anything you should go to the doctor since it can mean that you have edema, produced by some other alteration of the organism.

The causes of swelling:

1. The accumulation of gases resulting from the ingestion of beverages with gas or other foods 
    that produce gases.

2. The fluid retention.

3. The constipation.

4. The menstrual period or the rule in women.

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There are also other less common external factors that cause swelling, such as: alcohol, and the intake of certain medications such as corticosteroids or contraceptives. In both previous cases, there is excessive fluid retention in our body triggered by these substances, so in addition to following the advice you can read below will be very important to eliminate or reduce the toxicity that these substances are producing (You should consult with your doctor).


Later we will explain what you can do to avoid swelling and what to do to quickly deflate and lose volume, but first we will explain its causes.

To try to avoid abdominal swelling we must follow the following guidelines:

What are the main causes of abdominal swelling?

1.  The intake of carbonated beverages that produces an accumulation of gases and as a result 

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2. The retention of liquids: it is produced by a metabolic failure that causes the body to accumulate 
    more liquids than are necessary to eliminate toxins, or, by the intake of very fatty foods or high in 
    sodium (salt). This problem is very characteristic of women and especially in times of hormonal
    changes (menstruation, premenstrual syndrome or menopause). The most typical symptoms of  
    fluid  retention are: heaviness in the legs and swelling of the ankles and feet (for these cases we  
     recommend keeping the legs elevated at least 30 minutes, in the morning and at night).
3. Constipation is one of the causes that also produce this annoying problem because not evacuate
    correctly makes the feces are in our body longer than necessary, producing toxins that the body
    takes longer to eliminate, also the permanence of these stools often produce accumulation of
    gas in the intestine (See here More effective laxative foods).

How to deflate and lose volume?

The swelling that worries us so much is usually very capricious, that is, it appears from one moment to another. Usually we realize when the swelling we suffer is already really important and traditional methods are generally preventive, that is, they directly claim that swelling does not occur; but …

What can we do when we feel swollen to reduce abdominal swelling?

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Here are some brief tips to avoid occurrence and some guidelines to know what to do to deflate quickly in 24 hours:


To try to avoid abdominal swelling we must follow the following guidelines:

1. We should eat slowly and thoroughly chew every food we eat and above all eat with moderation,
    that is, we should finish eating with a certain sensation of hunger, "since usually it takes about 10
     minutes between eating a food and this one get sated, "and therefore it is not advisable to eat until
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2. We must walk 30 minutes, it is highly recommended to do some soft exercise to deflate after
     lunch or dinner, as this helps the intestine to mobilize and expel air from inside.

3. We should drink a lot of water (minimum 2 liters per day), as the best way to avoid fluid retention;
     it is to drink, since this way the organism will stop retaining it and in addition we will eliminate

4. Avoid greasy foods: sausages, red meat and organ meats.

5. Try to drink semi-skimmed or skimmed milk as well as reduce fat intake.

6. Incorporate fiber into your diet, you will find it in: vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and cereals,


    so you will get more bowel movement and also improve the problems of constipation.

If the cause of your swelling does not disappear we advise you to consult the best natural diuretics, since you may be experiencing a process of edema or fluid retention.

You have to put on some dress and you just realized that you're bloated ... Do you need to deflate for a party?

How to eliminate the swelling in a day?

Everything happens to us at the last moment, just when we have an event or we prepare ourselves to party, just at the precise moment that we least want it, but calm, everything has a solution. Then we will expose the best tricks to deflate quickly in just 24 hours.

First and very important; you should drink water and infusion of horsetail (see here how to prepare it), you can also make a shock of a diuretic food such as pineapple (see here the diet of purifying pineapple) that will help us lose the possible retention of fluids that we cause swelling. You should drink about two liters of liquid daily.
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In the second place we will have to carry out a food shock with high fiber content, so we can also eliminate some problem of constipation or stool accumulation. You should consume: whole grains, kiwis, prunes or raisins, pears, broccoli, legumes, corn, oats, avocado, and green leafy vegetables such as Swiss chard or spinach. You can combine it with germ or wheat bran added in yogurt, preferably soy, because it contains more fiber.

And thirdly, but not least, you should do the following exercises: Walk 45 minutes, do some 200 sit-ups and climb four floors up the stairs.

Now you will say ... yes, of course! It is very simple, I will show you below the daily pattern that worked best for me:

Daily menu to deflate in a day

When you wake up, before breakfast drink a glass of water and two prunes, do five sets of ten sit-ups and go for a walk for at least 45 minutes, when you get home, do another 5 sets of sit-ups, (quiet these will not take you more than five minutes).


 Eat whole grain cereals with skimmed milk, or whole wheat toast with turkey ham. Take a shower, go to work or do your daily routine, and remember to go up four floors without using the elevator.

At lunchtime, a good option is to eat brown rice sauteed with vegetables and broccoli. Remember to take the infusion of horsetail and for dessert a few slices of natural pineapple. After a break, do 5 more sets of abs, (this time in a soft way).
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For the snack you can opt for a pear and a pair of kiwis and a yogurt with wheat bran.

Before dinner we will do the last series of sit-ups and for dinner a good option will be to make a scrambled eggs with chard or sautéed spinach, you can add some raisins and dessert for 2 slices of natural pineapple. If you manage to follow these guidelines, you will have fulfilled your goal!

Just rest well for about 8 hours and ... the next morning say goodbye to the swelling!

If you have the bad luck that you still feel very bloated the next day, it is likely that you need 2 days to deflate and see the effects, so we can recommend that the next day you make a diet of pineapple or pineapple artichoke since it is very effective to combat fluid retention (Here you can see the diet of the artichoke). In addition to following this diet, it is advisable to continue applying the guidelines and advice that we have explained previously.

Bloating early in the morning, how to deflate in one night?


Normally you start to notice swelling late at night or good morning, good; everything has a solution, although the normal thing is to feel more deflated in the morning after the first urination. There are people that face the night when you notice this heaviness, after dinner, etc. To prevent this from happening and see us more deflated the next day, you can choose to have pineapple dinner on the grill, and before going to bed, drink an infusion. This will make the pineapple do its job and in the morning you will urinate more for its draining and depurative effect; this way you will be more deflated the next morning.

How to deflate due to fluid retention?

I have fluid retention and I do not get rid of the feeling of swelling, let's see. In the first place, all these tips will come in handy.

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It is important that hydrates the body, that you take care of your diet and that you do some exercise that motivates your body to develop normally, but it is essential to take some drainage and diuretic, you can also consult your doctor if it is appropriate to take an adapted drug to you for your problem such as furosemide or torasemide for fluid retention. Remember that it is not a product to lose weight, but to correct a problem of a malfunction of the body such as fluid retention.

If you prefer natural products here you have the best natural drains, you can also accompany the camelina, which helps to lose retained liquids.

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