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Sunday, November 18, 2018

How to be happy in life: Give up these 25 habits (without money)

How to be happy in life: Give up these 25 habits (without money).

How to be happy is not always about what you do. In fact, and very often, it's about what you stop doing. Especially if they involve these habits that you will see below.


If you do not feel happy with your life, whether personal or professional, the problem is not your education, the lack of opportunities, the attitudes of other people, or even bad luck.

If you feel unhappy, the problem is you.

 50% of happiness is determined by the features of your personality, which are largely inherited.
The other 50% of how to be happy is determined by factors over which you are in control: your health, your career, your relationships and your interests, and what you pursue.
That is why, if you feel unhappy, it is in your hands to be able to change it.
And because happiness depends to a large extent on what you stop doing, here are more than 30 habits that you should give up if you want to learn how to be happy.

Habits that you must change to learn how to be happy:
 The poet Rumi once said "your task is not to seek love, but to seek and find all the barriers that you have built inside of you against him"
The same can be said about your search for how to be happy.
 Instead of looking for happiness on the outside, look inside yourself for all those things that prevent you from being, and work to correct them.

1. Never equals purchases with satisfaction.


Psychologists call it a hedonistic adaptation, which is that people automatically change the joy of a new purchase towards their emotional norm.
Put simply, it's that feeling of joy every time you look at your new home, new car, new furniture or new clothes.
The point is that it quickly disappears and the only way to recover is to buy something new.
This becomes an addictive cycle that will never lead to long-term satisfaction, much less in your search for how to be happy.
And he will not do it because that is not how we are made; Our true happiness comes from doing, not from having. So if you're wondering how to be happy and feel good about yourself, do not buy something, rather go and help someone.
2. Never let the fear of criticism stop you.
When you try something different and are willing to try things that others will not do, it will immediately cause others to talk about you, and usually not in a positive way.
If you do not want people to talk, mock, discredit or judge you, do what others do, talk as others talk, and live their lives and not yours.
This is a guaranteed formula to never be happy.
Remember that the fact that people are talking about you is a sign that you are on the right path.

3. Never forget to be the last.
Everyone wants to be the first. However, it is often better to be the last: The last to quit, the last to leave, the last to keep trying, the last to give up their principles and values.
There will always be people who are smarter, more talented, who are better connected and have better funds than you.
However, these will not always win because they may not be persistent with themselves. Demanding
Be the last to renounce yourself and your principles is one of the keys to how to be happy. If you do it, if you fail, you will have won.

4. Stop waiting for that great idea.
You are not going to hit the big ideas lottery, so stop trying.
Also, even if you came up with that great idea, do you think this is enough to be learning how to be successful?
Where is the execution, the skills, experience and knowledge you need?
Today you have a lot of small ideas with great potential, so stop looking for that "giant idea" that will change your life and make real those you already have in mind.

5. Do not be afraid to throw yourself:


Naturally, we tend to be afraid to throw ourselves when everything is ready. And the reason we feel panic is because our idea faces a harsh reality: It sinks or learns to swim.
And the truth is that we are afraid that the idea that you have worked so hard for will sink ...
The point is that you can sink, but if you do not throw it you will never know if you can swim. As Seth Godin puts it:
"You have to throw. No product can succeed until it is released. No application can succeed until it is published. No service can succeed until it is in the field "
In case you are doubting, launch it. Then correct what does not work and re-launch it. Do not stop moving forward. You can not feel proud until you're cast. So throw yourself a lot.

6. Never see your resume as a goal.
Many people take jobs and work experience looking for a winning resume, but when you look back, you will see that your resume is like a grade sheet.
Do not base your life, or your search for how to be happy, fill in blanks, or satisfy some "ideal" professional level.
If you really want to improve your resume, base your life on the fulfillment of your goals and dreams.
Define what you want to achieve and how you would like your life to be, then find out what you need to make it happen. Finally, let your resume reflect that trip.

7. How to be happy? Stop waiting.
What should you stop waiting in your life? For the right time, for the right people, the right market and the right things.
The people who live waiting, let their lives go by. The only thing you have a right to is your present, at this moment, so take advantage of it and stop pursuing mental illusions of what your life should look like in the future.
Begin to solve your doubt about how to be happy right now.

8. Stop thinking you're not happy.
Close your eyes. Imagine that someone has the power to take away everything that belongs to you: your family, work or business, home, everything. Imagine that everything is gone.
Would you beg to recover that life? Would you feel fullness if you had this back in your life? Would you understand that, when thinking about how to be happy, what you had was much more important than what you did not have?
Would you realize that they took something quite incredible? Of course you would. So open your eyes: literally and figuratively.

9. Forget your inherent value:
Your value does not depend on external factors such as titles, sentimental situation, financial status or professional career.
These are simply roles that you execute in your life; As a human being you are worth it, you have a story to tell and something to offer.

10. Worry about the future:
When you preoccupy yourself with something bad that can happen in your life, you are creating your own hell within yourself, moving away that peace and tranquility that you enjoy in the present.

11. Compare yourself with others:
Mark Twain once said that "the comparison is the enjoyment of death."
Stop comparing yourself with other people. To compare each restaurant, romantic moment, couple, coffee or holiday you have enjoyed.
How to be happy implies accepting that situations are different and remembering that diversity and contrast is what makes this life interesting.

12. Do not be grateful:

You can focus so much on what you do not have, that you usually forget everything that you do have.
Stop and appreciate all the love, blessings and abundance that is in your life; You will surely understand how lucky you are.

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13. Ignore your instincts:
Most people live a life that does not belong to them. They lead a life that others expect from them, and still wonder how to be happy.
Remember that living a life that is not yours is the main repentance of people before dying.
You must have the courage to follow your instincts, the ability to be true to your passions and beliefs, and above all, to do what you think is right, not what others expect from you.

14. Let yourself be handled by your ego:
The ego is your social mask and the image you have of yourself. Something insecure and easily hurt by the opinion of people and the events of life.
Learn to cover the soul, that eternal essence that is beyond all criticism, opinions and labels. Learn to have more confidence in yourself.
Unlike your ego, this essence is full of intelligence, strength, love and wisdom. To learn how to be happy, follow this essence.

15. Leave your comfort zone:
how to be happy alone.Avoid taking risks in your life and follow your dreams because you feel safe, although unhappy, with the current security you have.
You forget that today's certainties can change at any time, which implies that "your security" does not depend on what you have today.
One of the keys in your search for how to be happy is to make the decision to leave your comfort zone.

16. Living in your head:
It's amazing how much time you spend living your life in your head and not in the present.
You spend all day solving problems in your mind, being concerned about what may or may not happen, considering options and letting go the only time you have to act: today.
One of the great lessons of life to live to the fullest is to learn to live in the present, forgetting about the past and eliminating the anxiety of the future.
How to be happy is just a matter of living fully in the present.

17. Save resentments and resentments:
How to be happy when you are keeping feelings of hate?
Do not let go of resentments or forget disappointments only hurt you, surely the other people already let go and you keep thinking about the why, how to get revenge or reaping bad feelings. So remember:

18. Focus on things that are not important:
You spend too much time focusing on situations that do not advance your dreams, let alone add value.
Being constantly checking your mail or living pending each update of your favorite artist will not make you get closer to that goal you have. In fact, it will not help you in your search for how to be happy either.
Focus on what you know you have to do today to get to the place you want tomorrow.

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19. You are surrounded by negativity:
The world around you is the reflection of your dominant thoughts.
If you focus on your problems, conflicts and worries every day, all you are doing is perpetuating these circumstances over and over again.
Now, why not try a positive attitude to problems? Well said ZigZiglar:
"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than the negative"

20. Fight with your present:
If you are not yet living the life you dream of, accept this reality as you work to reach this place.
Getting up every day fighting your present will not make you arrive faster; complaining about your work, your boss, your situation will only cancel the energy you need to work for that goal you have set.
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21. Your interpretations and stories:
You are a creator of meanings, and many times you usually replace situations by interpretations that do not exist.
You assume that people are bored with you when they are simply tired; you interpret that you are being judged, criticized or excluded when in reality you lack the courage to overcome indifference.
This is the kind of bad habits you must give up to decipher how to be happy.

22. The answer to how to be happy will not be found in the past:
You usually believe that all past time was better.
You spend it remembering experiences and moments, staying without space or time to generate new ones, without time to live and experiment, with nothing to remember tomorrow.
Just remember that what you do today will be learning for tomorrow, so make it worthwhile. Nobody lives on memories.

23. You do not have patience:
Perhaps you usually think that everything is slow to arrive; that job you dream of, a profitable business, that cheap franchise, an ideal company ...
Everything in life needs and fulfills a cycle, so be patient and be sure to act at the right time.
Stop thinking that you just need to be in the right place and time; you also need the right person.

24. Feel guilt or shame: 


If there is something that makes us all equal, it is the mistakes we make that do not make us proud.
Making a mistake does not make you a bad person; Learn to forgive yourself, to accept yourself and remember that actions do not define who you are.
To learn how to be happier you must forgive yourself and give yourself a new opportunity to try it.

25. Wait for the indicated moment:
Your goals, objectives and dreams are waiting, a long time ago, for the right moment to be executed
And it turns out that this moment nothing comes and you are still there, waiting and longing to live a different life. A perfect time for your dreams?
Forget about that, there is no better time to start than today.

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