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Showing posts with label excersise. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

How to change your life just in 7 days (without money) || Motivation-BD

How to change your life just in 7 days (without money).

You will find a guide that will make you earn money, exercise and smile more in seven days. We have reflected a change that you must make each day of the week, and why it is essential.

Monday: Establish a saving goal according to your  

To save 10% or 15% per month of your income, according to experts recommend, you have to make an effort. According to Fidelity's recommendations on retirement savings, if you are under thirty and earn $ 60,000 annually, you should have the equivalent of a full year's salary ($ 60,000) in savings. At the age of 35 that amount should double ($ 120,000). At 40 that amount should triple (180,000 dollars). Keep in mind that you do not have to set aside each penny of the previous amounts to achieve your goal. If you use a pension fund or any other investment account, your money will be invested in the market with possibilities to increase.

Tuesday: Ask yourself this question: What do I wantthat I already have? What else do I really want? (If there is something)


Katherine Schafer, a psychotherapist, wrote about the "ambition trap" in a publication for Thrive Global. It is the tendency to get everything we want to make us happy.
"The more aware we are, the easier it is to differentiate between what we want and what we really want to have," he says. "But how do we make that distinction? As human beings, we are mostly accustomed to wanting more by default. More food, more money, more friends,more material things, more time, more attention. So, how do we start to want less? "
A good start to ask us the questions we have discussed before.
Wednesday: Have all the documentation related to you restate planning prepared - such as the  power of attorney, and the living will – to continue with the control of your life


According to Jenny Flam, New Jersey attorney at Cole Schultz, who specializes in probate proceedings, the best way to protect yourself from financial abuse is to make sure that all documentation pertaining to your estate planning is complete, and that means more than a will.
A power of attorney is a legal document that empowers one or more people to access your accounts, as well as the ability to make decisions about your money when you cannot do so. A living will does the same in terms of making medical decisions.
Thursday: Change the scenario to be more productiveif you work from home


Tanza Louden back, from Business Insider, had the feeling that her productivity was impaired when she worked from home. After a month of trial and error, he discovered a strategy that worked for him: changing the scenario.

Now Louden back spends at least two hours each day outside the "work desk" located in his bedroom, and at least one day a week he leaves his apartment to a cafeteria or another place. Brie Reynolds, a specialist in senior professional careers at Flex Jobs,told Louden back that moving from one space to another is a "great way to stay focused and productive on the day." In addition, it breaks with the monotony that we all suffer at certain times.

Friday: It establishes a filter for the e-mail  Addresses of purchases by Internet in your Gmail account, in order to avoid impulses to buy


Libby Kane, of Business Insider, found that the best way to resist the impulse to spend money online is simply to filter email addresses.
Now all online shopping e-mails are filtered immediately to the shopping folder - they do not reach your inbox - until you see that you need something specific, in which with a single click you find out if any of your pages Favorite sale has offers.

Saturday: Write down three things for which you are grateful


At the beginning of a speech at UC Berkeley, Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg revealed one of the psychological strategies she uses to overcome her husband's death: "Write down three happy moments before going to bed every night." "This simple practice has changed my life," Sandberg said. "Because no matter what happens in the day, I always leave thinking of something cheerful."
Martin Seligman, founder of the current positive psychology, discovered that, after six months, the study participants who wrote down three positive thingsbefore going to sleep each night felt happier and less depressed.

Sunday: Make your list of things to do and prepare your gym clothes for the morning of the next day, before going to sleep


The retired commander of the SEAL of the US Navy. UU  Jocko Willink, has said that he always does two things every night to have an agile start the next morning - and that anyone can apply.
One, prepare your gym clothes at night. The biggest obstacle for someone who develops an exercise routine is that doing so is an added effort in the daily agenda.To make it easy, Willink says, leave your gym stuff ready at night to plant them on you as soon as you get out of bed.

Two, finish making tonight the list of things to do for tomorrow. You already know what you have to do the next day and it is best to organize the day quickly.

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